What Is Guest Posting in SEO?

Why do people guest post?

In order to develop connections, visibility, authority, and backlinks, guest posting, often referred to as guest posting, entails submitting a post to another person's site.

In addition to other marketing considerations, guest posting provides a great potential to obtain a link back from another website, which is a key ranking factor in Google.

Through guest posting, you may build a relationship with the blogger who will be hosting your piece, gain access to their readership for further visibility, and establish your authority with a specific audience.

The idea is straightforward: you produce a blog post in accordance with the guidelines of a specific blogger and receive a hyperlink in exchange, typically in the Author Box at the bottom of the article.

Bloggers are interested in posting high-quality information on their blogs that they can use to share with their existing audience as well as utilise to draw in new readers. This makes guest posting a win-win situation for blog authors who want to increase readership on their blog as well as website owners who want to rank higher in search engines (and require links to do so).


Is Guest Posting Good for SEO and Link Building?

Yes, to answer briefly.

However, guest posting can be exploited just like any other strategy.

Matt Cutts, who was Google's head of webspam at the time, declared "the decay and fall of guest posting" in 2014.

Despite this assertion, guest posting is still a highly effective online marketing strategy. Guest posting is probably one of the best ways to create quality backlinks in 2017 so far.

I'll give you useful advice on how to guest blog effectively and with the fewest risks in this article.


Is Guest Posting Beneficial to Bloggers?

Again, the short answer is yes.

Guest posting may be a fantastic source of worthwhile content for a blogger's audience as long as the blogger is picky and prepared to put in the effort to go through and edit pieces from other sources.

Reviewing internal links is a crucial step in editing any outside contribution. If a link doesn't make editorial sense, don't add it.

Just take a look at this (or any other) post by Neil Patel about inbound marketing and guest posting. Almost every paragraph has a link to an external website. As you can see, Neil is aware that links enrich posts by pointing to extra resources and information. Take after Neil.

To be on the safe side, carefully review guest articles for value and make sure you only link to high-value websites.

Additionally, you may frequently verify your external links using a programme like Screaming Frog to ensure that the websites you are linking to are active and do not redirect to alternative content or produce an error code 404.


How to Find Sites Accepting Guest Posts and Outside Contributors.

There are two basic methods for locating websites for guest posting:

explore the web (search with Google, social media, mine resource lists, etc.)

Utilize online directories that link bloggers and publishers.

In this essay, four websites that link publishers and bloggers are described.

Since I have used several of them, I can assure you that they are not as useful and well-liked as I would want. The majority of blogs are really new, run by webmasters who don't post frequently and need free, high-quality content. The fish may be modest, but I still advise signing up with a few of the services so you can keep an eye on the offerings and wait for your white whale.

The first technique, prospecting the web, which I will discuss below, has some pretty fascinating techniques to identify blogs for guest writing.


1. Look for lists of the best blogs.

Prospecting begins by entering a search term like "Top [particular industry] Blogs List," for example, "Top Personal Savings Blog List," into Google and then reviewing the results.

Visit each blog listed on each page of the search results one at a time.

This is most likely how you'll discover some truly fantastic sites, however few of them could allow authors to submit guest posts.


2. Advanced Search with Search Phrases.

Google offers a variety of search strings that you can use to find specific content on the web.

You can read more about this if you're unfamiliar here or here. Your search results will appear like the one in the image below if you enter "keyword" and "write for us":

With this search function, you can get pages that specifically use the search terms you entered, in this case pages that include both "posting" and "write for us."

There are just a few modifiers, but they can be mixed in a wide variety of ways, making this process both straightforward and difficult. Your creativity is the only restriction.

There are an almost endless amount of combinations that will help you to find blogs that are interested in accepting guest posts.

A few example search strings:

  • "guest author" "keyword"
  • "guest post" "keyword"
  • "keyword" inurl:contributors
  • "keyword" inurl:authors
  • intitle:"guest post" "keyword"
  • inurl:"keyword" "contributor"


3. Follow People or Companies who Actively Guest Blog

Finding others who regularly provide high-quality guest articles to websites that are connected to your sector is one of the best methods to locate fantastic guest posting opportunities.

Most people and businesses use their social media profiles to disseminate their posts. I once came across a Twitter account that was primarily posting their guest pieces, thus I was able to quickly and significantly grow my own list.

To locate websites where a certain individual or business published a guest post, try using the search term "person name" OR "company name" "guest post".

These three methods should keep you occupied for a very long time, but there are many other ways to uncover pertinent blogs.

Please share any prospecting ideas you may have in the comments section.


How Guest Posting Improves SEO



The link profile of your website will have the biggest effect on the SEO of your site as a result of guest posting. You should obtain new links on new websites as you make contributions to them (where you contribute your post).

For the foreseeable future, backlinks will continue to be one of the key ranking elements in search engine optimization.

Google evaluates links in a number of different ways. This pertains to the link's domain and page, as well as its location on the page and its anchor text (the clickable part of the text).

I'll go through how to use the links you obtain from guest posting to advance your SEO strategy in this part.

A brief note on nofollow links: you should strive for normal connections from blogs (in most circumstances), but don't worry if you end up with a few nofollow links in the process.


Link Position

Your link should ideally be included in the text of the article, pertinent to the surroundings, and reinforcing the content.

A biographical paragraph that describes your background and/or business is frequently included in guest articles. Usually, the bio contains a link that the author uses to describe their background.

That is generally acceptable, but you should be prepared to request a link to be included in the body of the piece, especially if it adds value to the post and the reader and makes sense in the context.


Why is a backlink important?

It makes the connection between your website and the content more natural for both the reader and your website. Not only is it better for SEO, but readers are also more inclined to click on it.


there is one more issue that you shouldn’t neglect – your visitor put up can rank in seek and provide you with or your brand a few more attention and maybe even clicks, depending on the visitors amount.

a good way to obtain that you may want to jot down an search engine optimization optimized article. i've written a 1500-word guest post on search engine optimization-friendly posting that you would possibly locate useful as well. It tells now not handiest how to rank, but also a way to understand your audience for better engagement and conversions.

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