Managing Cravings When Quitting Smoking with IVG

Approximately 20% of the people who were trying to quit smoking were successful in using vapes as an alternative and a way to manage their cravings. 

Many such vapers suggest that smokers who are struggling to find their way to quitting smoking choose the right kind of devices, flavours, and nicotine strengths. 

Vaping has proven to be a critical alternative, and IVG is here to help you through your journey 

to find a suitable alternative for you.  

Understanding Cravings

Staying clueless about the cravings will have you fall back on the track of smoking. It will become a setback for you. Understanding the basics will help you stay in control more than others and regulate them. 

How Long Do Cravings Last When Quitting Smoking?

The cravings to smoke again vary from person to person, depending on how often you used to smoke each day. 

Roughly, the cravings start to knock right within 30 minutes of your last smoke. For 3-7 days, you might have frequent cravings. 

The most important question is when do the nicotine cravings stop? Don’t worry; cravings usually subsidize within 4-6 weeks, and till then, IVG can help you stay sane. 

Why Do Cravings Occur?

Nicotine- a well-known addictive substance that your body is used to have, and you substantially start reducing the amount that your body’s usual dose was. 

Just as your body craves your favourite food in certain situations, the cravings for nicotine are proportionally a lot more than that for food. 

What Are The Psychological Aspects Of Quitting?

Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression are some of the most frequent challenges that the smoking quitters face.

You're not alone if you struggle with running thoughts, palpitations, or restlessness!

What Can I Do About Anxiety When Cravings?

The anxiety in your body when you start to quit smoking is not something new; it has been there in your body, but smoking has been putting it under the rug for a long time. Cravings keep coming again and again, leading to more anxiety. Smoking cigarettes is usually a negative coping for many to avoid stress and anxiety. 

Here are some tricks you can utilise to cope more healthily. 

  • Forceful delay can help manage the cravings gradually. Tell your brain you can wait for five more minutes.

  • Try Breathing Exercises to feel regulated; inhale from your nose and exhale out from your mouth.

  • Routine management is crucial to figure things out and get a hold of cravings. 

  • Rehearsing Forced Statements can help send a reminder to the brain- that is needed sometimes!

Physical Changes To Expect When Quitting

The body shows many symptoms. Consider it as the body screaming to get the daily dose of nicotine. You might feel extremely restless, have appetite and sleeping changes, or have headaches. 

Will I fall Sick If I Don’t Smoke

Your body will show symptoms that mimic extremely sick feelings. Vapes come in handy when feeling such symptoms, which will potentially have a lot less harmful effects. 

How Quitting Smoking Changes Your Body

In the process of quitting the smoking cycle, whether you are a chain smoker or not, the body will show many symptoms to adjust to the ‘new normal’. 

  • Immediate: the heart rate and blood pressure return to normal, and the oxygen levels in the body also start adjusting. Coughing increases as the body cleanses itself.

  • Short-term: The respiratory activities improve, and the cough and shortness of breath improve. The circulatory system improves, making you enjoy physical activities more. The sense of taste and smell is also enhanced.

  • Long-term: You will have a healthy heart and lungs and live longer than when you smoked cigarettes. 

After Taking The First Step

Many people find it extremely difficult to take the first step, but what if we told you that it is the only thing you need to do? The rest is already in place.

What are your craving triggers? 

Figuring out your cravings triggers can help you regulate your cravings more. Now, the triggers can be multiple.

  • Emotional Triggers: Stress and heightened or lower emotional states such as anxiety and depression are found to be the most common triggers for craving.

  • Routinely Triggers: Activities and Routines that are associated with smoking can be huge triggers. Any lifestyle change might put you at risk, too. Stay aware!

  • Situational Triggers: Being around others who were once your partner in smoking can serve as a trigger, too. Any visual cue or food that is related to smoking should be dealt with with a lot of precautions.

How To Stop Nicotine Cravings And Manage Stress?

After figuring out the link between stress and cravings, it’s essential to learn to manage your levels of stress.

  • Mindfulness and meditation: Deep breathing exercises are proven to regulate stress levels. 

  • Physical Activities: Stress is energy that can be regulated with physical exercises. 

  • Social Support: The people around you can be fantastic support. Communicate with them about your journey and let them know how they can help you.

  • Creative Outlets: Enroll in a class or a workshop that lets your creativity flow. You can also start by colouring mandalas to reduce stress.

  • Relaxation Exercise: Progressive Muscle Relaxations (PMRs) are excellent for soothing triggers, relaxing the body, reducing bodily sensations, and regulating stress levels. 

  • Find The Alternative: Many alternatives to smoking are available, but vapes are one of the closest to smoking and are the first line of management. IVG is an excellent option that provides you with multiple options and different intensities in your control. 

Potential side effects of quitting smoking suddenly

Quitting smoking suddenly brings out significant nicotine withdrawal symptoms ranging from social and emotional to physical, which many times impair your functioning. It is crucial to go gradually and choose the options that feel most comfortable to you. 

Let IVG Be Your Smoking Cessation Partner 


At IVG, you can find a variety of products to choose from as an alternative when nicotine cravings occur. Nicotine shots can control different nicotine levels, and you gradually achieve your goal. 


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