Common Relationship Problems and How Astrology Helps to Solve Them?

The relationship is very important in life. No person can live life without relationship with someone. It comes under the basic need of man. Every day I come across many related cases. Know what kind of problems come in relationships, why breakups happen, and how astrology helps to overcome these problems. People who are facing issues in life then if you are also one of them who are facing problems in their love life then you can consult us. Here we are providing many.

However, at times, this bond may turn sour as disputes may disturb the peace in one's happy abode. Problems coming in the relationship can make this relationship problematic and burdensome. It has often been seen that usually, the first few months of marriage fly by as the couple is immersed in the newness of the relationship and the excitement that comes with it. However, as time passes, problems crop up in the relationship, and conflicts take place which culminate in the conflict between the once happily married couple.

Astrology can provide some help as it studies the planetary positions in the birth charts of the couple to find remedies that can bring back the lost charm of married life. Astrology, with sincere efforts from both the husband and wife, can bring peace and harmony to the relationship.

Most Common Relationship Problems between the lovers.

1. Compatibility Issues:

Misunderstandings are a part of any relationship and are inevitable. Disagreements can occur in any marriage, but the crux of the matter is that along with finding out the root cause of the misunderstanding, efforts should be made to resolve the issue. Often, these misunderstandings develop due to a lack of communication or both partners have different priorities in life.

Hence, there is a need to strike a balance between personal preferences in order to lead a happy married life. So, how can astrology help? Let us see how astrology can provide useful remedies-

Marriage prediction by date of birth Expert astrologers can carefully analyze and calculate the influence of many planets, but most importantly, the impact that Venus has on our relationships. Studying the effect of Venus on the birth charts of both individuals can help in arriving at ways to reduce the malefic effects of these celestial bodies on each partner.

2. Intimacy Issues:

While it is easy to maintain intimacy in the early stages of a relationship, the spark soon gets extinguished as time passes. Once the bubble bursts and the weight of responsibilities fall on our shoulders, it becomes difficult to match up to the same level of intimacy. Over time, a lack of intimacy can create a huge rift between couples, leading to marital stress.

Astrology tries to solve these issues regarding intimacy in the following ways-

Rudra Abhishek is a proven way to remove all negativity from relationships. The consecration is believed to have the power to invoke "Rudra", the most powerful cosmic energy. This energy can remove all negativity between married couples and ensure harmony in relationships.

Also, the use of the tulsi plants or holy basil can strengthen the bond of love. It is suggested that by worshiping the plant daily, the couple can be blessed by the Goddess in their married life.

3. Economic Concern:

Marriage struggles to maintain the joy of romance as worldly duties begin to take priority. Money and finance are the major issues that disturb the peace of the house and create trouble among married people. A lack of money can easily make things spiral out of control, ruining any happy relationship.

Wealth Astrology provides remedies to reduce financial worries which can later translate into a happy domestic life. Here are some finance-related remedies for couples:

Planet Saturn can cause financial issues, and hence couples should try to please Lord Shani to achieve financial stability.

The locker in the house should be made in the north direction, which is the direction of Lord Kuber, the god of wealth.

The women of the house should always be treated with respect as this leads to a positive effect of the planets on one's marriage.

4. Extramarital Affairs:

Relationships require trust. Nothing is possible in a relationship without a sense of trust and once this trust is gone, nothing can save the relationship from breaking. Thus loyalty and relationships go hand in hand. Being unfaithful after marriage and indulging in affairs can wreak havoc not only on the relationship but also on the partner.

Love Marriage Specialist Astrology states that individuals who have a weak influence of Jupiter in their birth chart are most likely to participate in extramarital affairs. Here are some measures that astrologers suggest to ensure that the bond remains strong-

The sanctity of the marital bond can be saved by taking measures to free Jupiter from the inauspicious effects of Mars or Rahu.

Pukhraj worn after consultation with a skilled astrologer can strengthen Jupiter in each partner's birth chart, thereby strengthening the bond of love between couples.

5. In-Laws Issues:

Marriage is not just about bringing two persons together but also about bringing two families together. However, sometimes the outside influence of other family members can create a rift in the bond of a married couple. A couple should be allowed to learn and grow together, and the other members should support them in their journey instead of stifling them and their relationship.

Astrological remedies can help in resolving differences between husband-wife and in-laws. Here are some of the ways in which harmony can be established between the young and the old-

If the 4th, 9th, and 10th houses are weak in the birth chart, then there can be a dispute with the in-law's side. Expert astrologers can provide accurate remedies by carefully analyzing the birth charts that can strengthen these houses, and improve relations with in-laws.


Our astrologer is an expert in the field of astrology and he is a person who has an intuitive knowledge of all the clauses related to the marriage before and after whatever the moment may be. He has many years of experience in solving issues with people and getting them out of their troubles immediately. Having a deep and great command of the entire segment of love problems, our astrologer is globally renowned as well and helps a lot of people and all are satisfied with his powerful and suitable services. By Astrology Phone Consultation you can remove all the obstacles you are not able to solve the love problems then you can contact our expert astrologer.

The sacred bond between a husband and his wife requires love, respect, and trust from both partners. It takes constant effort and action to maintain happiness and joy in a relationship. However, the challenges in married life can be overcome by dedicatedly performing your duty towards your partner. Apart from this, sometimes astrology can also be used to strengthen the love relationship.


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